

2019年06月13日 09:55  点击:[]


JXUST is taking the road of open education and is actively strengthening communication and cooperation with universities across the world. It has established long-term and wide-ranging academic exchange and cooperation relationships with universities, enterprises and research institutions from over 20 countries including America, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Thailand, Canada and other counties engaged in international development.



 List of International Cooperation Partners

 Country / Region  University Name
Russia Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный технический университет
Russia Пермским национальным исследовательским политехническим университетом
UK Plymouth University
UK University of Lincoln
UK University of South Wales
UK The University of Northampton
Germany Leipzig HTWK: Hochschule fur Technik Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (FH)
Germany Offenburg University of Applied Sciences
France  UT de Figeac, Universite de Toulouse 2 Le Mirail
France Universite Paris Nord
The Netherlands Europort Business School
South Korea Chonbuk National University
South Korea Dankook University
South Korea Cheju Tourism College
South Korea Jeonju University
Malaysia New Era University College
Malaysia First City University College
Japan Kyusyu Language Educational Institute
Japan Kyusyu International Educational College
Pakistan University of the Punjab
Thailand Prince of Songkla University
Indonesia Secretariat of National Chinese Education Coordinating Agency
Indonesia Petrachristian University
Taiwan, P. R. China Chung Hua University
USA Farmingdale College State University of New York
USA University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
USA University of Southern Maine
USA Madonna University
USA Brenau University
USA Cedar Crest College
Canada Laurentian University
Canada University of Prince Edward Island
Mexico Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi
Australia University of Queensland
Australia Monash University
Australia The University of Western Sydney
New Zealand Avonhead School
New Zealand Aide Chinese Culture Heritage and Education Center
…… ……


Delegation of JXUST visited universities in USA and Mexico


 Delegation of JXUST visited Russian universities


Delegation of JXUST visited Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany


Delegation of JXUST visited Farmingdale State College, State University of New York, USA





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