
The Octagonal Voice Choir launched its first CD disc in People's Music Publishing House

2024年06月29日 16:03  点击:[]

On the fifth of June, The Octagonal Voice Choir of JXUST released its first CD album in People's Music Publishing House, the most influential publishing house of music works in China.

Composed by Mr. Jin Wei, vice chairman and secretary general of China Chorus Association, artistic director of the Octagonal Voice Chorus, the album is a collection of Chinese literary giants, including Cao Cao, Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Su Shi, Wen Tianxiang and Li Qingzhao. Diverse in their styles and themes, the lyrics fully shows the living philosophy of the ancient Chinese sages. Upon its release in the media, the musical album becomes an instant bestseller in the Chinese market.

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